I am sure you all have heard of 'pick pocket'.
A new trend 'push pocket'.
Read on.. for your own good
A few days ago a new type of crime has surfaced in town.
It goes something like this:-
Somebody slips a hand-phone into your pocket,
sometimes it could be just a wallet with
an identity card and a few ringgit.
A few minutes later, the 'owner' comes up
and confronts you, the 'thief '.
He makes a big commotion that you stole his stuff.
You, caught unaware, are then pulled aside by the
'owner' for a settlement. You are intimidated and threatened
that if you do not pay up the police will be brought in.
If you pay up, this 'owner' lets you go.
If not, the police are brought in.
Another strange thing is that there always seems
to be a 'witness' to your 'theft'.
I am told this often happens to foreigners at
the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA)
or even at LRT trains.
Given that you're 'guilty until proven innocent'
as far as t he Malaysian police are concerned,
I understand some poor people are in jail for
these 'offences'.
At the KLIA, the 'owner' throws his hand-phone and
wallet with the few ringgit notes into the luggage
trolley of a just arrived passenger
The drama unfolds a few minutes later.
The real culprit has easily convinced our Malaysian police
to arrest the real victim (if he has not paid up the 'settlement' demand).
This is a very serious matter.
This is another form of extortionists operating in broad daylight.
They are disgusting criminals who will do anything
to rob and steal. The sickening part of the whole
scenario is that unless you pay the 'quoted settlement' money,
they will put you in real trouble by calling the police.
The real culprit gets back his hand-phone
and wallet but the real victim ( i.e.. could be any one of us)
is thrown into the police lock up and charged in court.
So do be very careful,
otherwise you may end up as a 'thief'
as you have no way to prove your innocence.
Pass it on.....
let more people be aware
of such things around them.
Disclaimer: This is a personal weblog, reflecting my personal views. All information provided here are to share only.The author should not be held liable for any information errors, incompleteness, or delays, or for any actions taken in reliance on information contained herein.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
100 個福送給您!
001 心美.看什麼都順眼
002 福.來自一顆懂得布施的心
003 講話要溫和輕柔.態度要謙誠親切
004 孝順要及時.行善也要及時
005 站在半路.比走到目標.更辛苦
006 多原諒別人.多得福.把量放大.福氣大
007 心中有愛.才會人見人愛
008 幸福不在得到多.而在計較少
009 把握當下.就是用心
010 待人退一步.愛人寬一步.在人生道中就會活得很快樂
011 要得到別人讚嘆.就得先讚嘆別人
012 最有力量的菩薩.就是我們的手腦
013 不斷發揮生命功能.才是活著的人生
014 聽到好話.要如海綿遇水.牢牢吸住
015 不要總是要求別人給我什麼..要想我能為別人做什麼
016 幫助別人.其實就是在幫助自己
017 不要只看到別人外在的污點.卻看不到自己內心的垃圾
018 生活有朝氣.活得暢暢快快.工作講求效率做得踏踏實實
019 以愛心待人.以磊落的心胸接物.則人生到處充滿了真 善美
020 稻穗結得越飽滿.越往下垂.一個人越有成就.越有謙沖的胸襟
021 孝首重在順.要體貼親心.聲色柔順.切不可不耐與嫌煩
022 人生能被人需要.能夠有份功能.為人付出.才是最幸福的人生
023 欣賞他人.就是莊嚴自己
024 成功在優點的發揮.失敗是缺點的累積
025 "路"必須去走方能到達."苦"必須去受才可消除
026 我們應該為別人的成就而生歡喜心
027 有量就有福.有福心就靈.是謂"福至心靈"
028 常能反省自己有無過失.即得解脫又自在
029 學佛就是要善加化解煩惱.尋求心靈的安定
030 恆心就如滴水穿石.再大的困難與阻礙也能衝破
031 要想家庭吉祥合睦.要常常起歡喜心
032 做一切好事要把握時機.也要把握因緣
033 捨去昨日的好與壞.把握今日
034 知足常樂.甘願做.歡喜受
035 生氣是拿別人的過錯來懲罰自己
036 人生多一份感恩.就多一份美化
037 縮小自我.擴大心胸.工作要歡喜.人與人要感恩
038 愛與感恩.能喜淨心中的煩惱
039 做好事要騰出時間.這是人生的目的.也是人生的義務
040 生命只有數十年.慧命是永遠不滅的
041 願要大.志要堅.氣要柔.心要細
042 為人處事要小心.細心.但不要小心眼
043 能付出愛心就是福.能消除煩惱就是慧
044 時時存好心.日日是好日
045 口說好話.心享好念.身行好事
046 信心.毅力.勇氣三者具備.則天下沒有做不成的事
047 口說好話如吐蓮花.口說壞話如吐毒蛇
048 太陽光大.父母恩大.君子量大.小人氣大
049 理直氣要和.得理要饒人
050 人要知福.惜福.再造福
051 把貪的念轉為滿足.把滿足的念換做慈悲
052 精神如能常滿足.就是最幸福的人生
053 改變自己是自救.影響別人是救人
054 無欲.無求則力量不盡
055 災要自己消.福要自己造.多造福.就可增無量的福報
056 愛是無盡的財富.施比受更有福
057 想過去是雜念.想未來是妄想.最好把握當下時刻
058 平安是福.快樂是慧
059 人的心念意境.如能保持開朗清明.則所見.都是美而善的
060 紛亂的心田.開不出智慧的花朵
061 最好的臉部保養品.就是微笑與善念
062 要將心比心.設身處地為別人想一想
063 笑容.不但可以表答善意.還可以縮短人際間的距離
064 福"是來自一顆懂得布施的心
065 有時煩惱是來自不合理的欲望
066 愛護身邊物.惜福常知足
067 歡喜和感恩是消除煩惱的力量
068 做好事不能少我一個.做壞事不能多我一個
069 幸福不在得到多.而在計較少
070 臉上有笑容.心中有愛的人最可愛.就是菩薩
071 無心去往壞處想.聽任何話都是好話
072 師長的責任.只是教導.實踐的路.學生必須自己去走
073 心中有愛.才會人見人愛
074 忍一時之氣..免百日之憂
075 改變別人.不如先改變自己
076 常思己過.莫論人非.時時歡喜.時時吉祥
077 勿以善小而不為.勿以惡小而為之
078 每一天都是做人的開始.每一時刻都是自己的警惕
079 笑比皺眉好看.說話比呵斥自然
080 去貪就簡.可使心靈得到無比的寧靜與解脫
081 求福壽倒不如求平安.平安就是添福壽
082 最平常的人最富有
083 問心無愧心最安.能夠付出.助人.救人.最是快樂
084 待人退一步.愛人寬一寸.在人生道上就會活得很快樂
085 最幸福的人就是能寬容與悲憫一切眾生的人
086 唯其尊重自己的人.才更勇於縮小自己
087 退一步.讓一步.來成全別人.即是修養.即是修行
088 面容動作.言談舉止.都是日常生活中修養忍辱得來的
089 難行能行.難為能為.才能昇華自我的人格
090 人生要為善競爭.分秒必爭
091 不要小看自己.因為人有無限的可能
092 任何事都是從一個決心.一個種子開始
093 再好的機會.福報.如不能把握因緣.一樣會溜走
094 有心就有福.有願就有力
095 懺悔是心靈的告白.也可以說是精神污染的大掃除
096 一個永保感恩心的人.就比較不會陷入困境
097 心要像明月一樣.有水就有月.心要像天空一樣.雲開見青天
098 心無邪惡.意無邪念.即常可自在.心正則邪不侵
099 布施不是有錢人的專利.而是一份虔誠的愛心
100 這世界總有比我們悲慘的人.能為別人服務比被服務的人有福
001 心美.看什麼都順眼
002 福.來自一顆懂得布施的心
003 講話要溫和輕柔.態度要謙誠親切
004 孝順要及時.行善也要及時
005 站在半路.比走到目標.更辛苦
006 多原諒別人.多得福.把量放大.福氣大
007 心中有愛.才會人見人愛
008 幸福不在得到多.而在計較少
009 把握當下.就是用心
010 待人退一步.愛人寬一步.在人生道中就會活得很快樂
011 要得到別人讚嘆.就得先讚嘆別人
012 最有力量的菩薩.就是我們的手腦
013 不斷發揮生命功能.才是活著的人生
014 聽到好話.要如海綿遇水.牢牢吸住
015 不要總是要求別人給我什麼..要想我能為別人做什麼
016 幫助別人.其實就是在幫助自己
017 不要只看到別人外在的污點.卻看不到自己內心的垃圾
018 生活有朝氣.活得暢暢快快.工作講求效率做得踏踏實實
019 以愛心待人.以磊落的心胸接物.則人生到處充滿了真 善美
020 稻穗結得越飽滿.越往下垂.一個人越有成就.越有謙沖的胸襟
021 孝首重在順.要體貼親心.聲色柔順.切不可不耐與嫌煩
022 人生能被人需要.能夠有份功能.為人付出.才是最幸福的人生
023 欣賞他人.就是莊嚴自己
024 成功在優點的發揮.失敗是缺點的累積
025 "路"必須去走方能到達."苦"必須去受才可消除
026 我們應該為別人的成就而生歡喜心
027 有量就有福.有福心就靈.是謂"福至心靈"
028 常能反省自己有無過失.即得解脫又自在
029 學佛就是要善加化解煩惱.尋求心靈的安定
030 恆心就如滴水穿石.再大的困難與阻礙也能衝破
031 要想家庭吉祥合睦.要常常起歡喜心
032 做一切好事要把握時機.也要把握因緣
033 捨去昨日的好與壞.把握今日
034 知足常樂.甘願做.歡喜受
035 生氣是拿別人的過錯來懲罰自己
036 人生多一份感恩.就多一份美化
037 縮小自我.擴大心胸.工作要歡喜.人與人要感恩
038 愛與感恩.能喜淨心中的煩惱
039 做好事要騰出時間.這是人生的目的.也是人生的義務
040 生命只有數十年.慧命是永遠不滅的
041 願要大.志要堅.氣要柔.心要細
042 為人處事要小心.細心.但不要小心眼
043 能付出愛心就是福.能消除煩惱就是慧
044 時時存好心.日日是好日
045 口說好話.心享好念.身行好事
046 信心.毅力.勇氣三者具備.則天下沒有做不成的事
047 口說好話如吐蓮花.口說壞話如吐毒蛇
048 太陽光大.父母恩大.君子量大.小人氣大
049 理直氣要和.得理要饒人
050 人要知福.惜福.再造福
051 把貪的念轉為滿足.把滿足的念換做慈悲
052 精神如能常滿足.就是最幸福的人生
053 改變自己是自救.影響別人是救人
054 無欲.無求則力量不盡
055 災要自己消.福要自己造.多造福.就可增無量的福報
056 愛是無盡的財富.施比受更有福
057 想過去是雜念.想未來是妄想.最好把握當下時刻
058 平安是福.快樂是慧
059 人的心念意境.如能保持開朗清明.則所見.都是美而善的
060 紛亂的心田.開不出智慧的花朵
061 最好的臉部保養品.就是微笑與善念
062 要將心比心.設身處地為別人想一想
063 笑容.不但可以表答善意.還可以縮短人際間的距離
064 福"是來自一顆懂得布施的心
065 有時煩惱是來自不合理的欲望
066 愛護身邊物.惜福常知足
067 歡喜和感恩是消除煩惱的力量
068 做好事不能少我一個.做壞事不能多我一個
069 幸福不在得到多.而在計較少
070 臉上有笑容.心中有愛的人最可愛.就是菩薩
071 無心去往壞處想.聽任何話都是好話
072 師長的責任.只是教導.實踐的路.學生必須自己去走
073 心中有愛.才會人見人愛
074 忍一時之氣..免百日之憂
075 改變別人.不如先改變自己
076 常思己過.莫論人非.時時歡喜.時時吉祥
077 勿以善小而不為.勿以惡小而為之
078 每一天都是做人的開始.每一時刻都是自己的警惕
079 笑比皺眉好看.說話比呵斥自然
080 去貪就簡.可使心靈得到無比的寧靜與解脫
081 求福壽倒不如求平安.平安就是添福壽
082 最平常的人最富有
083 問心無愧心最安.能夠付出.助人.救人.最是快樂
084 待人退一步.愛人寬一寸.在人生道上就會活得很快樂
085 最幸福的人就是能寬容與悲憫一切眾生的人
086 唯其尊重自己的人.才更勇於縮小自己
087 退一步.讓一步.來成全別人.即是修養.即是修行
088 面容動作.言談舉止.都是日常生活中修養忍辱得來的
089 難行能行.難為能為.才能昇華自我的人格
090 人生要為善競爭.分秒必爭
091 不要小看自己.因為人有無限的可能
092 任何事都是從一個決心.一個種子開始
093 再好的機會.福報.如不能把握因緣.一樣會溜走
094 有心就有福.有願就有力
095 懺悔是心靈的告白.也可以說是精神污染的大掃除
096 一個永保感恩心的人.就比較不會陷入困境
097 心要像明月一樣.有水就有月.心要像天空一樣.雲開見青天
098 心無邪惡.意無邪念.即常可自在.心正則邪不侵
099 布施不是有錢人的專利.而是一份虔誠的愛心
100 這世界總有比我們悲慘的人.能為別人服務比被服務的人有福
Friday, October 29, 2010
NIAM ... Oct10
Awarded Bengoh Dam Construction Contract
Naim Holdings Berhad has been awarded a contract by Jabatan Kerja Raya, Kuching with a contract value of RM168.8m for the designing and building of the Bengoh Resettlement Scheme, Kuching, Sarawak.
Prior to this, Naim secured two new contracts in 2QFY10 namely: a) Bau-Semadang Road in Kuching (RM73m); and b) construction of a jetty in Tanjung Manis for ASSAR Senari (RM22m). In late August, Naim revealed that the Samsung (70%) -Naim (30%) JV had been awarded the RM2.4b Sabah Oil
Gas Terminal project.
Including the SOGT job and latest Bengoh Dam resettlement works project, group’s effective new contracts secured so far year-to-date is already close to RM1.1b.
More importantly, latest contract would lift Naim’s outstanding orderbook to RM3.7b or almost 10x its FY09 construction revenue. This would help underpin earnings visibility for the group’s construction division over the next three years.
Naim remains our top picks for Sarawak play. Naim is the prime beneficiary of pump priming for SCORE including potential infrastructure investments and is in line to secure major projects. We believe FDIs will eventually draw new population growth into Sarawak benefitting its property development division
Maintain BUY and our target price of RM4.10 applying a 11x FY11F adjusted EPS of 37.6 sen and a 41% discount to the top three construction companies average of 16.9x.
Awarded Bengoh Dam Construction Contract
Naim Holdings Berhad has been awarded a contract by Jabatan Kerja Raya, Kuching with a contract value of RM168.8m for the designing and building of the Bengoh Resettlement Scheme, Kuching, Sarawak.
Prior to this, Naim secured two new contracts in 2QFY10 namely: a) Bau-Semadang Road in Kuching (RM73m); and b) construction of a jetty in Tanjung Manis for ASSAR Senari (RM22m). In late August, Naim revealed that the Samsung (70%) -Naim (30%) JV had been awarded the RM2.4b Sabah Oil
Gas Terminal project.
Including the SOGT job and latest Bengoh Dam resettlement works project, group’s effective new contracts secured so far year-to-date is already close to RM1.1b.
More importantly, latest contract would lift Naim’s outstanding orderbook to RM3.7b or almost 10x its FY09 construction revenue. This would help underpin earnings visibility for the group’s construction division over the next three years.
Naim remains our top picks for Sarawak play. Naim is the prime beneficiary of pump priming for SCORE including potential infrastructure investments and is in line to secure major projects. We believe FDIs will eventually draw new population growth into Sarawak benefitting its property development division
Maintain BUY and our target price of RM4.10 applying a 11x FY11F adjusted EPS of 37.6 sen and a 41% discount to the top three construction companies average of 16.9x.
OFI ... Oct10
A manufacturer and exporter of snack food and confectioneries, is looking at another year of record profit, driven by its higher value-added products and stable raw material prices.
In 2009 the Malacca-based company posted a record net profit of RM12.4 million on the back of RM125.7 million revenue, up nearly 16 per cent and 30 per cent from the previous year's net profit and sales respectively.
Jacker potato chips and Zess chocolate wafers are expected to contribute to the company's higher profit and revenue in the current financial year ending March 31 2011.
Oriental had in May 2010 announced a dividend policy of 35 per cent of its net profit. In the last financial year, the company came out with a record high dividend payout of RM5.7 million, or 9.5 sen per share. The company had given out dividends for the past nine years, even during the economic crisis.
Oriental had invested RM20 million in capital expenditure (capex), mostly on new machines to produce Zess chocolate wafer and potato-based products.
In 2009 the Malacca-based company posted a record net profit of RM12.4 million on the back of RM125.7 million revenue, up nearly 16 per cent and 30 per cent from the previous year's net profit and sales respectively.
Jacker potato chips and Zess chocolate wafers are expected to contribute to the company's higher profit and revenue in the current financial year ending March 31 2011.
Oriental had in May 2010 announced a dividend policy of 35 per cent of its net profit. In the last financial year, the company came out with a record high dividend payout of RM5.7 million, or 9.5 sen per share. The company had given out dividends for the past nine years, even during the economic crisis.
Oriental had invested RM20 million in capital expenditure (capex), mostly on new machines to produce Zess chocolate wafer and potato-based products.
For research and development, Oriental spends RM200,000 to RM300,000 a year. The budget can hit RM500,000 when the company rolls out a new product.
Bursa Malaysia-listed Oriental started its operations in 1978 from two shop lots in Malacca with snack production for the local market. It began exporting its snacks, potato chips, wafer and cakes in 1980s.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
BPURI ... Oct10
Bina Puri Holdings Bhd is expanding its exposure in electricity-generation projects overseas to establish a larger recurring income base.
The company was looking at more power plant ventures in Indonesia and Nepal for now, but would not limit itself to these two markets in the future.
Bina Puri, whose core business is in construction, is trying to expand its concession operations in favour of a more sustainable earnings stream against the cyclical nature of the construction industry.
The company acquired an 80% equity stake in Indonesia-based power plant owner and operator PT Megapower Makmur for RM807,581. Megapower runs two units of two-megawatt electricity generation facilities within the Toboali and Muntuk enclaves in Bangka Island, Indonesia. The power generated by Megapower is sold to Perbadanan Letrik Negara, Indonesia which is equivalent to Malaysia’s state-owned utility Tenaga Nasional Bhd.
Bina Puri plans to build and operate electricity generation facilities in two other locations in Indonesia to meet the surging power demand in the country.
Bina Puri already has a few concessions overseas. Among others, the company now derives recurrent income from its highway concessions in India — the Vijayawada-Eluru Expressway and Tada-Nellore Expressway in Andhra Pradesh, besides the Chittorgarh-Mangalwar Highway in Rajasthan.
In Nepal, Bina Puri has undertaken the construction of a five-star hotel in the kingdom’s capital city of Kathmandu. The builder also has operations in other countries including Vietnam, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Pakistan and Brunei Darussalam.
On the construction front, Bina Puri bagged several jobs recently. The company announced that it secured the Stormwater pipeline project from the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Saudi Arabia. The project is worth (saudi riyal) SAR6.96 million (RM5.73 million).
The company was looking at more power plant ventures in Indonesia and Nepal for now, but would not limit itself to these two markets in the future.
Bina Puri, whose core business is in construction, is trying to expand its concession operations in favour of a more sustainable earnings stream against the cyclical nature of the construction industry.
The company acquired an 80% equity stake in Indonesia-based power plant owner and operator PT Megapower Makmur for RM807,581. Megapower runs two units of two-megawatt electricity generation facilities within the Toboali and Muntuk enclaves in Bangka Island, Indonesia. The power generated by Megapower is sold to Perbadanan Letrik Negara, Indonesia which is equivalent to Malaysia’s state-owned utility Tenaga Nasional Bhd.
Bina Puri plans to build and operate electricity generation facilities in two other locations in Indonesia to meet the surging power demand in the country.
Bina Puri already has a few concessions overseas. Among others, the company now derives recurrent income from its highway concessions in India — the Vijayawada-Eluru Expressway and Tada-Nellore Expressway in Andhra Pradesh, besides the Chittorgarh-Mangalwar Highway in Rajasthan.
In Nepal, Bina Puri has undertaken the construction of a five-star hotel in the kingdom’s capital city of Kathmandu. The builder also has operations in other countries including Vietnam, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Pakistan and Brunei Darussalam.
On the construction front, Bina Puri bagged several jobs recently. The company announced that it secured the Stormwater pipeline project from the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Saudi Arabia. The project is worth (saudi riyal) SAR6.96 million (RM5.73 million).
Including both projects, Bina Puri’s outstanding construction order book comes to RM2.59 billion to date. For 2010 alone, the company has so far secured RM1.64 billion worth of new jobs.
The biggest jobs in its current order book comprise the RM997.2 million project to build the new Low-Cost Carrier Terminal (via a joint venture) and the RM500 million construction-cum-development of Medini North in Johor.
Bina Puri’s latest set of financials has improved due to higher construction revenue. Its total turnover for the first half of 2010 climbed 76.2% year-on-year to RM566.14 million while net profit improved from RM2.58 million to RM4.85 million.
Nonetheless, while the company is getting more jobs, the concerns are its slim gross and net margin (of 4.7% and 1%, respectively, in 1HFY10), and a stretched balance sheet to undertake more big projects.
Bina Puri net assets per share stood at 97 sen as at June 30. It has cash of RM77.72 million against debt obligations of RM288.69 million, which translate into a net debt of RM210.97 million or a net gearing of 2.1 times based on shareholders’ equity of RM101.69 million.