Wednesday, July 2, 2008

PTPTN entitle for 3K Tax deduction.

Skim Simpanan Pendidikan Nasional (SSPN) adalah merupakan satu skim atau instrumen simpanan yang direka khas oleh Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) bagi tujuan pendidikan tinggi.

Selain menjanjikan pulangan dividen tahunan, SSPN juga akan menyediakan insentif kewangan khas dalam bentuk Geran Sepadan atau Matching Grant khusus kepada pendeposit yang berpendapatan rendah.

Di samping itu, manfaat perlindungan insurans dan bayaran pampasan/khairat kematian disediakan secara percuma kepada semua pendeposit yang layak.

Ciri-Ciri & Keistimewaan:

Layak memohon pinjaman pendidikan PTPTN dengan syarat-syarat berikut:
-> Ibu bapa berpendapatan keluarga melebihi RM2,000 sebulan perlu mempunyai penabungan tidak kurang daripada RM3,000; dan

-> Ibu bapa berpendapatan keluarga tidak melebihi RM2,000 perlu mempunyai penabungan tidak kurang daripada RM500.

(penetapan syarat had simpanan telah ditangguhkan, walaubagaimanapun pemohon pinjaman diwajibkan mempunyai akaun SSPN dengan simpanan minimum RM20 sebelum layak memohon pinjaman pendidikan PTPTN)

Pelepasan cukai ke atas simpanan sehingga RM3,000 setahun;

Manfaat perlindungan insurans sehingga RM50,000 serta pampasan/khairat kematian diberi secara percuma untuk simpanan RM1,000 dan ke atas *;

Pemberian Geran Sepadan sehingga RM10,000 untuk satu keluarga yang layak **;

Simpanan serendah RM20 pada bila-bila masa dan dijamin oleh Kerajaan;

Kadar dividen yang kompetetif dan dikecualikan daripada cukai pendapatan; dan

Kemudahan menyimpan di lebih 1,400 ejen kutipan SSPN;

Kemudahan menyimpan di Maybank2u dan ATM (pemegang akaun Maybank dan telah mendaftar dengan Maybank2u)

* Perlindungan insurans dan pampasan/khairat kematian hanya layak untuk pendeposit yang berumur 18 hingga 65 tahun. Sementara penerima manfaat yang berumur 1 hingga 28 tahun hanya layak diberi pampasan/khairat kematian sahaja.

** Keluarga yang berpendapatan tidak melebihi RM2,000 sebulan layak Geran Sepadan apabila anak diterima masuk ke IPT.

More information you can refer to:-


  1. Hi KH,

    After looking thru the incentive and do my own calculation, you need to think really hard to save money on that fund just to get that maximum 3K tax relief.

    Here's my case to it
    1. Matching grant for people earning less than 2K a month. On some study, earning less than 2K per month living in the city had considered poor. Not much people will get that matching grant. Besides, it's only up to max of 10K/family. If you have few more kids, not all will get that benefit.
    2. Return of the fund so far had been measly 3 - 4% (04 - 06) No data on 07 though. You might wanna put inside ASW2020/ASM to earn higher return with low risk.
    3. You can only make withdrawal of 10% or RM500 (whichever is lower) once a year. Your money basically be locked in there for a long time until your children start tertiary education or the depositor have any serious illness/death etc.

    The only saving grace will be if you're super rich, already taxed on 28% (max tax) and you maxed out all other income tax reliefs i.e. insurance, EPF, parents medical, books etc. To get that max RM840 (28% of 3K) is not really worth it !

  2. Hi Victor,

    Thanks for the comments.
    Yes, I agreed with you, it's not so interesting, further more it has so many restriction.

    But the intension is to get the taxable rebate. Let said my taxable
    level is 20%, which mean RM3000, I will get RM600 rebate. Another word,
    I only invest RM2400, and I get RM600 which is 25% (600/2400) return. Don't you think
    this 25% return is more than FD or other return?

    One things not clear is whether can this reoccurring rebate from the taxable,
    or I need to top up RM3000 for me entitle for the taxable rebate every year?
    From what my understanding this is like a saving account which will give you
    a saving book. I haven't gone details yet how to rebate this.
    Like what you said, if it reach RM10,000 what will happened? and so on.

    Still need to find out more on this.


    Regards, BHK.

  3. Hi KH,

    This is my 1st time to come here.

    May I know the SSPN- Rm3k rebate , can apply for the individual tax or not?

    FYI, I am a sales person. Thus, a lot of my commission is from my super very hard work. I try to pay less tax as I can. . .

    Hope you can give me some input. .TQVM
