Sunday, January 11, 2009

Received letter from PTPTN ..... SSPN registration.

Finally, received letter & membercard from PTPTN, which I opened in ptptn agents sometime November 2008.

Attached the letter.

Attached the membercard.

No statement?
Will check out this with ptptn.

Hi Yan,
Regards to your queries:
"* Mulai 1 Januari 2008, pinjaman hanya dipertimbangkan kepada pelajar yang mempunyai akaun simpanan SSPN sekurang-kurangnya RM 3,000.00 bagi ibu bapa yang berpendapatan RM2,000.00 ke atas dan RM500.00 bagi ibu bapa yang berpendapatan kurang dari RM2,000.00". Is this true??
My son told me I need to open SSPN account with RM 20 only?? "

I will confirm this with ptptn and update you on this in my blogs later.
Stay tune.

Related post:
Open an account in ptptn.
PTPTN entitle for 3K Tax deduction.

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