Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bank scam...

This happened to my friend and colleagues. My friend almost lost all my saving to those thieves.

I often receive emails about those scams that access to our bank
accounts and steal all the money in it. i read and forward to friends,
but i never thought it'll happen to me, yes, to me, jay wong, in a one
fine morning...

9.03am, i was woken up by a phone call (no. 03-27188888, which i later
called back, really a Am bank number), at the other end i heard a
voice mail saying it is from "Am bank", and asking me to confirm a
large amount transaction going on in KLIA. the voice mail said
something like this: " you have a transaction at the amount of RM37XX
going on at KLIA. press 1 to confirm the transaction, press 2 to talk
to our officer."

given situation like that i automatically press '2', which later lead
me to the "Am bank" credit card dept. i roughly explained the
situation, and later the officer asked for my IC number and told me i
have a past due payment of RM5630, and my credit card was just swapped
with another transaction at KLIA at the amount of RM37XX. i was
puzzled, cos i never had a credit card with Am bank. the officer said
i personally walked into their Jalan Ampang branch and applied the
card myself with my IC. he even gave me all the card details which is
- "i" applied the card on 9th july 09, my 'card' number is 5455 1966
6653 7001, it is a master gold card, credit limit at RM12,000.

i strongly deny all the above, then the officer said: "we believed
this is a fraudulent case and someone used your ID to apply the card,
you may call to report this case at this number (which i forgot) or to
cut short the process, i can pass your line to the dept." without
hesitation i accepted his offer, later i was attended by a woman, whom
she address herself as Miss Ng. After explaining the situation to her,
she told me she need to set up the recording device in order for the
investigation, so asked me to leave her my HP number and she wound
call me back. very soon she called back, saying that the dept is from
Bank Negara. the ID showed on my HP screen is +6999, she sounded very
professional and often threw many 'professional bank terms' that
layman would take some time to understand, and the background had some
beeping sound that makes me believe that was the recording sound. she
said in order to investigate the case, they need to monitor all my
bank accounts, they way she spoke really make me believe she is a pro
to help me settle my fraudulent case. so i did gave her ALL my credit
/ atm card numbers. and later on she said she is only taking the
report, she will submit to the investigation dept, which link directly
to the high court, and an officer from there will call me in 10-15mins
time, lastly, she warned me NOT to tell anyone about this as it might
jeopardize the investigation. she even gave me a reference number:

later, a man called me with this number +999, he spoke in bahasa
m'sia, i requested him to speak in english as my BM is very poor, he
insisted to speak in BM and the reason he gave was all evidence and
recording must made in BM. he said he got the report from Miss Ng, and
again he confirmed with me ALL my credit / atm card numbers - i have 1
current account (which i don't have atm card), 1 local bank with atm,
and 1 HSBC with atm. he said for easier monitoring, i must withdraw
all my money and bank into the local bank account. i asked why? he
said because their system cannot link to the overseas bank system, i
must transfer all my money to the local bank so they will monitor if
anyone is accessing my account. i must admit i was pretty panic at
that moment, i did follow his instruction. i really planned to
withdraw ALL my money and do as he said. He said i must race with the
time and all this must be done in 35 mins.. i said: what?? i'm still at
home, the nearest bank is at taipan, the fastest i can get this done
is in 45 mins." he urged me to hurry up and again he asked me the most
important thing is - DON'T tell anyone about this, and after i bank in
all the money into the local bank acc, call him at 010-2594568.

while driving to taipan, within 5 mins time, that man called me twice
to ask me hurry up. i had a very uneasy feeling, but i still withdraw
all my money from that 2 banks (sorry, i must admit i was really a
low-guard person). i finally called up a lawyer friend, my friend
straight away mentioned it is a scam and i should proceed to lodge a
police report. i called up the man, i told him i have withdraw all the
money but i decided not to bank in to the local bank acc. i can
imagine he was jumping there, he insist i must do so. i asked for his
name and his office number, he was a bit panic, told me his name is
Alan Chow, and the number should appear on my HP screen, i said i only
see +999, he said that is d number, i said i will proceed to lodge the
police report, he quickly hung up! at the moment my legs was numb. how
close was that i almost lose all my money to these thieves!

i quickly call up all my banks to cancel all my credit / atm cards
while driving to the nearest police station. later when i went to
collect a new atm card from HSBC bank taipan, the officer told me many
of their customers experienced the same as me in a same week! and all
victims started the whole nightmare by receiving this voice mail from
Am bank, and the story goes exactly as i mentioned above. sigh... i
called up Am bank to report this case, they apologized and advice me
that no bank will ever start a conversation with a voice mail.

these 'intelligent' thieves play mind games very well, they like to
throw lots of unfamiliar terms at your face first, and give you a very
difficult situation and make you believe you are in deep shit. i hope
everyone else is more alert and smarter than me, honestly, even at
this moment when i recall this incident, i still have the chill at my

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