Monday, January 4, 2010

Tanjong ...Jan10

Power and gaming company TANJONG plc recorded Net Profit of RM177.7m for 3QE Oct 2009 compared with RM97.1m in same quarter a year ago. Earnings were boosted by the overseas power plants.

In the Company's EXCHANGE filing, Dec 11, 2009, the Companys said that revenue was marginally lower at RM985.1m compared with RM986.5m same quarter a year ago. EPS was 44.08 sen compared with 24.09 sen.

The Company declared a Third Interim Gross Dividend of 17.5 sen per share for FYE Jan 31, 2010. The dividend will be paid on Jan 15, 2010 to shareholders who are on the record of the company as at Jan 4, 2010.

TANJONG's power-generation revenue decreased by RM21m to RM717m due to a reduction in energy billings by Malaysian power plants, offset by increased revenue from overseas power plants.

Gaming revenue increased by RM16m to RM178m due to seven additional draws.

Group PBT for 3QE Oct 2009 increased from RM139m to RM253m due to a higher contribution from overseas power plants, lower corporate and business development costs and a RM55m provision for windfall profit levy in the corresponding quarter.

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