Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hotlink/Maxis Settings

Talk & SMS Plan ~
To change from Talk Plan to SMS Plan - *108*4#
To change from SMS Plan to Talk Plan - *108*1#
or call to change the SMS Plan & Talk Plan - 1300 820 120

GPRS Setting ~
To activate GPRS - *133#
To deacitvate GPRS - #133#

Missed Call Notification ~
To switch on the service - *147*1#
To switch off the service - *147*0#

Call Me Back service ~

Voicemail Setting ~
To activate Voicemail - *109#
To deactivate Voicemail - #109#

Maxis 3G
to activate maxis 3g - *136#
to deactivate maxis 3g - #136#

Maxis PTT
1 day use - *110*1#
1 month use (30days) - *110*30#

check registration status (prepaid)
type REG and send to 22555

Check Credit Balance ~

Easy Menu ~