Monday, December 1, 2008

Open an account in ptptn.

Last week, open an saving SSPN (SKIM SIMPANAN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL) account in ptptn collection agent - Maybank for my child.

My previous post here.

Following are the documents required:-
- SSPN form. (can download in
print and fill in.
- photocopy & original IC.
- photocopy & original child birthcert.
- Bank deposit form.

Account is opened. The account number conversion is + .
Eg: your first child account will be 01

Surprisingly, I asked the agent what kind of document I will get, they are not sure, they push everything to the PTPTN.

I went to PTPTN office to ask, they told me, a certificate will be issued/post to me. After that, I asked how can I process for my income tax rebate....they errr...ahh....also not sure, and later told me, I can print the statement from the ptptn website, but I must wait for the opened account certification first.

Let's see how soon I can get the certification from ptptn and what is next.

Stay tune......


  1. I opened one account for my son last Dec 07. I received a acknowledgement mail from PTPTN in Jan 08 that I have opened an account but nothing about the amount was mentioned. They sent me a statement in Apr 08 for period ending Dec 07 showing the balance. Subsequently in Aug this year I received another statement for period ending Jun 08. In addition, you should have a card the size of a credit card from PTPTN.
    For tax rebate, just use the form you submitted to Maybank as proof of saving. Dont think you will be audited by IRB in the next few months before you get the statement unless you are so lucky!

  2. Hi, BHK,
    I intend to open a SSPN account for my son also.

    I have read from the PTPTN website that :"* Mulai 1 Januari 2008, pinjaman hanya dipertimbangkan kepada pelajar yang mempunyai akaun
    simpanan SSPN sekurang-kurangnya RM 3,000.00 bagi ibu bapa yang berpendapatan RM2,000.00 ke
    atas dan RM500.00 bagi ibu bapa yang berpendapatan kurang dari RM2,000.00". Is this true??

    My son told me I need to open SSPN account with RM 20 only??

    Your confirmation will be very much appreciated.

  3. Hi Yan,

    Sorry for the late reply.
    I only noticed your comments when I do the housekeeping of my blogs.
    I intend to reply you directly to you via email, but I don't see email account in your "Yan" profile. Hope you read my reply to you on this comments.

    Yes, ptptn have changed their rules as stated by you.
    Let me check with the ptptn office, I will revert on that.

    FYI, their services are very very bad, I purposely went to their office, enquiry counter, to check about the account status, after I opened account. Out of 10 questions that I asked, they only can answer me 5. Others they are not sure!

    Regards, BHK
