Are you “All Ears” for this advice? Why is listening so difficult? Some say it’s because we think much faster than we talk. As a result, when we listen, we must continually remind our brains to slow down to an unnatural pace. Here are some exercises to try to help you focus on the message you are receiving:
•Work to anticipate what conclusions the speaker will draw based on what the personis saying.
•Review and mentally summarizethe points the person talking has already made.
•Listen BETWEEN the lines in search of greater meaning. For example, notice how nonverbalcommunication, such as tone of voice, adds to the meaning of what the person is saying.
Have you ever wondered why some people consistently accomplish more than you? Every person has the same 24 hours in a day, yet some seem to have more time and fewer excuses for not accomplishing enough. What separates winners from whiners? It’s their willingness to invest in their own success.Use these tips to move AHEAD of the pack: Emulate those ahead of you. Seek out the toppeople in your field and askthem “What do you read…watch on TV? What advice can you give me?” You’ll be surprised at how happy top performers are to help you. Write down what they tell you, analyze how you can adapt it to your own business life and then implement some of their secrets.
Fly with the eagles. A recent Harvard study found that if you associate with people, friends, co-workers, family members, who are not success oriented, you greatly diminish your chances for success in your own life. We are either raised up orpulled down by the people who surround us. You don’t have to be a snob, but if you feel you aren’t surrounded by “winners,” take steps to change. Join professional associations. Take continuing education courses.
COMMUNICATE CONVICTION. By changing a few bad habits, you can communicate with strengthand conviction.
Uncertainty. Phrases such as “kind of” and “sort of” communicate uncertaintyand inability to form clear thoughts. Replace “I kind of have a problem with your idea” with “I have concerns about your suggestion. Can you please tell me more?”
Wishy-Washiness. When you say “I will try to…” you are less often describing a commitment you are willing to make than expressing your doubts or unwillingness to see an action or planthrough. Use a more active voice to convey your plans. Say “I will call you by Wednesday, and we can discuss the situation further at that time.”
FBM KLCI - lower in tandem with regional peers amid volatility and Wall
Street sell-off
Stocks on Bursa Malaysia ended lower across the board Tuesday with the
benchmark FBMKLCI closed lower for the fourth consecutive day, reflecting
4 hours ago
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